Complaints channel

HomeComplaints channel


Welcome to Inexlink’s whistleblowing channel.

In this space, any individual or direct/indirect collaborator of Inexlink who becomes aware of or suspects any irregularity, legal violation, or breach of the company’s internal protocols and regulations can submit a report anonymously using the form provided, or directly to the General Manager, Mauricio Salina, via email at

Your report will be received by a board member, who will assign a case number and be responsible for leading the investigation, preparing the report, and interacting with the whistleblower if necessary. The board has a 15-business-day period to respond to the whistleblower.

Each report will undergo an initial screening to assess the relevance and credibility of the allegations. Inexlink is committed to conducting an investigation and resolution process that ensures confidentiality, anonymity, and communication with the whistleblower throughout the process.

Following the investigation of the report, and if appropriate, the board will take disciplinary measures and pursue civil and/or criminal actions against those found responsible for the reported actions.

By submitting a report, the whistleblower agrees to provide complete and truthful information, not to provide false data, accurately describe the situations, use appropriate and respectful language, act according to the law, and refrain from intentionally sending viruses or programs that could harm the platform.

To see examples of the types of reports you can submit through the form, please click on the following link: Examples of Reports

Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
If your report is anonymous, enter an e-mail address that protects your anonymity or create a special account for this procedure, such as
If you want to know the type of complaint you wish to file, you can access the link immediately above the form and review the classification of complaints in greater detail.
Date of incident
Are you aware of the existence of any cover-ups?
Do you have any witnesses?
If you have a digital file to support your complaint, it will be requested by email when responding to your complaint.